As a salesperson, you lot're bound to be confronted with it at some signal — what HubSpot SMB Growth Specialist Vajra refers to as "the well-nigh dangerous question." By his account, it's the statement that shows "a prospect is qualifying yous instead of you qualifying them."

I'g referring to the most quintessential down-to-brass-tacks statement a prospect can offer: "Just tell me the price."

It'due south a frank, no-nonsense business concern that tin put some of the best sales reps on their heels. So for the sake of whatever stumped sales reps, we've reached out to some of our internal experts hither at HubSpot for their takes on how they answer when a prospect asks, "How much does it toll?"

Let'southward take a look at some of the tricks they came up with.

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The Best Answers to "How Much Does It Price"

Be totally upfront.

According to HubSpot Senior Business relationship Executive Nicole Bhatia, honesty is the best policy when confronted with this question.

She says, "It's simple — when someone says, 'Just tell me the toll,' I merely tell them the toll. Someone who says that conspicuously has their guard up. This person likely doesn't want to be sold. You lot won't become anywhere trying to dissuade them from jumping right into pricing. They'll probable dig their heels in even further and feel like you're hiding something."

She points out that you tin can't force a prospect into beingness a adept fit for your product or service — particularly when it comes to price. She says, "Afterwards six years in sales, I know that no affair how good of a salesperson I am, I tin't piece of work magic. I tin can't magically make them have more money. If my product is far outside of their budget it's better non to waste either of our fourth dimension."

Endeavour to get a better experience for a prospect's circumstances.

When discussing pricing, it helps to have a holistic moving picture of where your prospect is coming from. You demand to empathize their situation every bit best as you tin before you tin can take a meaningful conversation on the subject.

As HubSpot Business relationship Executive Stefanie Ibarguen puts it, "It'due south usually not a one-size-fits-all discussion. Each business has different requirements when it comes to contract terms that align with how they operate. I would demand to know more than about their requirements, what packaging best fits their needs, and other relevant terms to give them a more than specific estimate"

Chief Business relationship Executive Anna Rofsky suggests that salespeople take more time to understand the nature of a prospect's business concern operations, perspective, and broader circumstances.

Co-ordinate to her, "If a sales rep is really in sales for the right reasons, then they're encouraged and excited — they're there to assistance you figure out what solution is best for you. It's like walking into Urban Outfitters looking for jeans and asking a sales rep 'for the price.' What so? It'southward very unlikely they'll select a random pair and tell you they're $89.

"No, it'southward much more likely they will ask questions around color, way, and any applicable sales. That way, they can point you in the management toward what yous actually desire. That'south the role of a salesperson — strategic guidance on what is best for you — not a dollar amount to throw effectually."

Button for a more thorough conversation.

Equally an extension of the point above, the experts we reached out to mostly agreed that a prospect'due south concerns about price warrant a thorough conversation.

Entering Sales and Digital Marketing Good Michael Grinberg says, "Typically when a prospect asks y'all to just tell them the price, they are asking this question to but gauge if they should even have another telephone call. With a freemium or a free trial model, an piece of cake mode to navigate this objection is to say, '[Prospect], every bit a boyfriend consumer I understand that you demand to know the toll to empathise if our product is even viable for your company.

"We offer ways to go started with our products for costless, and some of our customers are paying us as much as $50,000/monthly. The last thing either of us wants is for you to get an inaccurate quote, so would you be open to scheduling another telephone call where we nail down the use case, and so I can give you lot an authentic cost that nigh closely resembles your current needs?'"

I way or another, it serves you to farther discuss both the nature of their needs and how you lot can best accommodate them. Both sides of that conversation will be helpful and telling in terms of the kind of pricing structure y'all can present to them.

If you lot don't take enough information to offer them a meaningful judge, don't simply throw out some arbitrary, potentially misleading figure. Push for some more than context via a more than concentrated conversation — ane that can inform a legitimate, accurate "how much does it cost" answer.

A prospect beingness blunt and hitting you with, "Just tell me the price," tin can be imposing, but it doesn't accept to throw you off your game. If at that place'southward anything to take away from this article, information technology'south that honesty and pushing for more context are the best policies.

Exist upfront with them immediately if you can, but if you need more information to present a fair, accurate guess, inquire for information technology. Try to take a more than thorough chat to sympathise your prospect's business operations and the needs that come up with them.

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sales pricing calculator

Originally published Dec 2, 2020 2:45:00 PM, updated June 11 2021